
Organizations face increasingly complex challenges in re-inventing their work – from leveraging the right technology, to designing optimal organizations, to creating the right human experiences. The unprecedented frequency and magnitude of change calls for business agility: constant innovation, re-positioning of the value proposition, alignment of the product and service mix with the market, adoption of new technologies, well-timed strategic investments, and timely development of requisite capabilities. In this age of digital design and transformation, we are often faced with paradoxical challenges that can emphasize technological advancement over alignment of people-centered outcomes. Requisite Agility seeks to discover the tipping point in human-centered organizing to address the challenges of this century.

Now more than ever before the C-Suite (and all of the people who support it) have to take proactive action to ensure the organisation is designed for success.

As organisations grow and adapt to new technologies, there’s a trend towards increased complexity. Networks and ecosystems are replacing the traditional command-and-control structures. Cross-functional and cross-generational integration is critical to efficient, sustained, and disruptive innovation.

How do we deal with change as individuals, as communities and as institutions? What does the future look like? At RA 2019 Conference, we’ll explore these critical questions facing organizations today and discuss the design and development of business ecosystems with the focus on:


· The impact of technology on operating models.

· Organization forms and structures.

· The application for design thinking.

· New ways of working in the 21st century.


Requisite Agility Conference provides a community for generating and sharing new and proven ideas amongst industry professionals. We’re excited to bring together leading system thinkers, holistic organizational anatomists, enterprise pathologists and engineers, agile coaches, and other practitioners to share their experiences, expertise and insights and to learn from each other as we hone best practices and tactics for working in the 21st century. 

 The Conference will take place on September 3rd- 4th, 2020 in AMA Conference Center, New York City – be a part of it!

We look forward to seeing you in New York!

Why Attend?

You will leave the Conference equipped with new ways of thinking about intractable challenges; hands-on tools and techniques that can be used to create a conscious organisation, one that is designed for speed, agility, adaptability and evolution to enable you to compete and win in today’s global business environment.

Engage in open and rich dialogue with peer practitioners about the future of organization design and hear from pioneers in the field on how they are getting it done in a new community of practice.

Be a part of the community where you will discover pragmatic solutions !

Who should Attend?

  • Business Leaders
  • Organization Design and Development Practitioners
  • Requisite Organization Scholars and Practitioners
  • Business Agility Scholars and Practitioners
  • Agile Coaches and Consultants

Titles include

C-suites, Heads, VIP's, Directors, and Managers of:

Organisation Design
Change and Transformation
Business Capability
Human Resources
Business Performance

Why Conference?

The reason we call this an Conference is that people are tired of sitting in rooms being lectured at by so-called “experts”. No matter how deep our experience, everyone has a perspective that matters. Situational awareness taps into this diverse perspective. And it is heightened situational awareness that allows individuals and organizations to be responsive to today’s fast changing conditions. Understanding the emerging nature of ideas, needs, wants, problems, challenges, solution sets, etc. is central to improving one’s situational awareness. This is an important first-step in one’s journey toward agility.

Come join us at the Conference and share your thoughts with everyone.

Be a part of the community where you will discover pragmatic solutions !